© East Coast Havanese Puppies 2024
“We have a friend for
Choose a home-bred, well-socialized,
happy puppy from East Coast
Helen from Boston writes: "We adore our
Havanese! He is spirited, friendly, loyal, and
smart, and he loves his humans as much as
we love him. We have six grandchildren, some
timid, some bold, and our puppy delights in all
of them, barking at the stairwell when he
knows they are coming downstairs. He lets
them crawl all over him, and yet we see them
learning from him how valuable a little life is.
This breed is balanced and sweet, not choosing favorites and earning every ounce of
attention he can with his adorable antics. We would choose him over and over
again....delightful! Every word true! We have a friend for life. "
Another family in Boston writes:
"We just wanted to let you
know that [our puppy] Chase is
doing great! He is adjusting to
his new life with us very well.
He loves his crate and goes in
it all by himself around 9
everynite and sleeps all night.
We are still working on his potty
training. He cries a little if he
has to go out, but sometimes
he only gives us a few seconds
notice so we don't quite make it
outside. He is an absolute joy
to have around and makes us
laugh all the time. He just had a
bath and now he is running
around the house trying to dry
off... he's a riot!! Everyone that
sees him falls in love with him.
We will send you a pic of him
this weekend. We will keep in
touch and update you once in a
while. Take care and thanks
again.... Glenn and Gail"
Patty in Providence, Rhode
Island writes: "I wanted to let
you know Shadow is doing great! In fact, he had the easiest transition into the family. He
sleeps through the night and is almost completely house trained. Well, there have been
one or two accidents, but he is so good! He loves our other dog and they play all the time.
He follows either me or Suzy around all day and is just a very sweet dog! You do a great
job raising them. Thank you!"
Jill Rotella in Syracuse, New York
East Coast Havanese Puppies is located in Central New York State, Onondaga County, in the Syracuse area.
Call Jill Rotella (315) 480-1898
Puppies were born Februar 9, 2025.
They will be ready for adoption in mid-April.
Call Jill Rotella (315) 480-1898
All of the dogs on this
page are from East
Coast Havanese.
The content on this website is the property of Jill Rotella unless otherwise noted, and is
copyrighted © by her. Any use of content contained on the East Coast Havanese or
Syracuse Havanese websites are subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. All
materials contained on syracusehavanese.com or eastcoasthavanese.com, including all
text and images, are copyrighted and protected by applicable copyright laws. They may
not be published, reproduced, copied, modified, uploaded, transmitted, posted, or
distributed in any way, without prior consent from Jill Rotella, or their authorized
representative. The materials on syracusehavanese.com and eastcoasthavanese.com
are provided for informational purposes only.